Homeopathic Clinic. Patient # 226- 230
Table of content:
- Patient # 226 — Headache.
- Patient # 227 —Heat stroke.
- Patient # 228 — Epilepsy.
- Patient # 229 — Insomnia.
- Patient # 230 — Facial Paralysis.
Patient No. 226 – Nisar Ahmad. – Sheikhupura.
AOA. My age is 36 years, medium built body, weight 66 kilos. I am Purchaser in an engineering company. I have headache since last 2 years. It become worst when my face and eye feel pain. I can not walk when it reaches on peak. It mostly effect on right side of head. I feel as if some one is drilling in to my head. vertigo. Kindly prescribe a suitable Homeo medicine to get relief from this headache.
Treatment: Homeo medicine Belladona 6 is the right medicine for your headache. Take 5 drops of Belladona 6 in 1/2 glass of clean water and drink 6 times a day 1/2 hour before/after meals. Avoid drinking tea, coffee and smoking 1/2 hour before and after taking the medicine.
Patient No. 227 – Bashir Ahmad – Miana Gondal
I am 46 years old, a farmer, Thin body. around one week age, i was working in my agricultural land. It was a hot and sunny day. I was sweating and then i fell down, senseless. I was brought home. Now i feel very weakness. I can not look at sun. kindly let me know a homeopathic medicine to cure my condition. Thanks in advance.
Treatment – Glonoine 6 is suitable for you. Take 5 drops of the medicine in 1/2 glass of clean water and drink it 6 time a day 1/2 hour before meal. Avoid drinking tea, coffee and smoking 1/2 before and after taking the medicine. Once you feel relief, reduce the dose to 4 times and then 2 time.
Patient No 228 – M. Hanif – Kasur.
My son Imtiaz Ahmad, age 24 years, 5′ 6″ tall, thin body, college student. He has a disease called Epilepsy since 2 years. He gets the attack at any time, in class room, while walking and so on. No definite time. During attack his hands fingers become twisted. Mouth becomes full of cough. Is there any Homeo medicine to cure this disease ?. Pl. do guide us. I am much worried about my son. Thanks.
Treatment _ Hydrocyanic 6- During attack , pour 4 drops of the medicine in the patient’s mouth . Patient should take this medicine after 2 hours for a long period of time to have complete relief from the disease.
Patient No. 229 – Zulfiqar Ahmad – Islamabad
AoA. i am 32 yeas old 5′ tall,62 kilo weight and with fair complexion. Working in a government office. I have Insomnia since last year. Usually i have constipation. I try to sleep but i cant. I sleep hardly foe 1/2 hour in the whole night. Kindly advise me a suitable Homeo medicine to get rid of this Insomnia. I hate Allopathic medicine for sleep. Thanks in advance.
Treatment : Passyflora Incarnata Q – Take 30 drop of this medicine in 1/ 2 glass of water and drink it before going to bed. This will give you relief , and you will sleep well.
Patient No 230 – Rehmat Ullah – Hyderabad
Assalam o Alaiku. My son Rashid , age 17 years, thin body, student has a disease called Facial Paralysis on his left side of face since last 4 months. We tried the Allopathic medicines but no relief. Is there any Homeopathic medicine to cure this disease?. Please do help us. We will be very thankful to you.
Treatment _ You go to a Homeopathic medicine store and buy a medicine named CAUSTICUM 3 . pour 5 drops of this medicine in 1/2 glass of clean water and let the boy to drink it with the interval of 3 hours. Continue to take the medicine for one week and then increase the interval time to 4 hours. . Once he feels some relief, reduce the dozes 3 times a day. It is hoped that boy will be ok with in one month, Insha Allah.
May Almighty Allah save all of us from any disease.
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great article