
Cellphones Usages -New research # 25

Cellphones usages

            Cellphones Usages

                       New research # 25


Cellphones Usages  have become a part of every one’s life. In the beginning of cellphones, having a cellphone was a symbol of wealth. Only rich people could afford to buy a cellphone . The prices of cellphone were very high in the beginning. Now a days, almost every one own a cellphone. Rich people buy very expensive cellphone whereas an ordinary laborer will buy a cheep mobile phone. Cellphone usage has become a part of our lives. There are some bad effects of cellphone usages.  We will discuss it in our today’s topic.


  • What is a  cellphone ?
  • What is WIFI ?
  • Cellphone usages – effect on our health.
  • Cellphone usage and cardiovascular disease.
  • An interesting finding from the study.
  • Achievements.



What is a cellphone ?

A mobile phone or cell phone is a portable telephone that can make and receive calls over a radio frequency link while the user is moving within a telephone service area, as opposed to a fixed-location phone (landline phone).

  • Cell phones use radio waves to communicate with cell towers, and these waves have wavelengths of approximately 10-1000 m, which are much too large to be ionizing. WiFi actually operates at quite precise frequencies, either 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz, which correspond to wavelengths of either 12 cm or 6 cm.

What is WIFI ?

The correct answer is Wireless fidelity. Wireless fidelity is the full form of Wi-Fi. Wi-Fi is a wireless local area network. It was introduced in 1997.

Cellphone usages – effects on our health.

Keeping in view  the spread of cellphones usages ,the scientists are trying to find out the effects of cellphones usages  on human health. A recent study published in the Canadian Journal of Cardiology, calculated the association between making cellphone calls and cardiovascular disease risk. This data covered almost half a million participants.

The researchers concluded that an individual spending more time to  make calls in a week , will have greater risk of cardiovascular events,  such as stroke and heart failure.

Beside that, psychological distress, sleep and neuroticism are more important affects of the cellphone usages. ( The neuroticism  refers to the condition of often feeling worried and nervous, often because of a mental illness: Researchers found that high levels of neuroticism were linked to lower life expectancy ).

The new study focused on one point. Do  Cellphones usages might be linked to cardiovascular risk ?

For the purpose of investigation, data of 444,021 participants was taken from the UK Biobank. The data was covered with self reported details about how much time individuals spent making call via cellphones usages.

The participants making one call in a week were marked as “regular user” . More than 85 % of the participants came in this class. The rest were classified as “no regular users”.

Cellphone usages and cardiovascular disease.

The cases of coronary heart disease , stroke, atrial fibrillation (Atrial fibrillation (AFib) is an irregular and often very rapid heart rhythm. An irregular heart rhythm is called an arrhythmia. AFib can lead to blood clots in the heart.) and heart failure were combined by researchers  to provide a composite outcome of cardiovascular disease risk by cellphones usages.

The researchers found after controlling various factors that regular user had a small increase in composite cardiovascular disease risk (4 % ) as compared with nonregular cellphone users. It was also found that people who spent longer period of time on phone calls , the large this difference became.

The study researcher of Cellphones Usages identified another important factor. The people who make or receive a call for 5 minutes or less in a week, were compared with those who used their phone for ;

  • 5-29 minutes had a 3 % increased risk .
  • 30-59 minutes had a 7 % increased risk.
  • 1-3 hours had a 13 % increased risk.
  • 4-6 hours had a 15 % increased risk.
  • 6 or more hours had a 21 % increased risk.

An interesting finding from the study .

The researchers of the study observed that three factors are involved and play an important role between cardiovascular disease and cellphone usage. These factors are :

  • Neuroticism      —  2.3 % of the association.
  • Psychological  distress explained  —11.5 %
  • Sleep quality — 5.1 %

People now use their phones in many  different ways like sending messages and pictures, drawings , playing games on phones or watching videos etc. It is believed that people are making less calls these days. There should be more studies to find connection between heart disease and  new  science inventions.

source :


  • A new study finds an association between making cellphone calls and increased cardiovascular risk.
  • Compared with those who made the few calls, those who use their phones the most, had a 21 % increased risk of cardiovascular event.
  • This relationship was most pronounced in people with diabetes and smokers.
  • The study has a number of limitations, and more research is needed.


Last words:

I always pray to All-Mighty Allah to bless every body with success and good health.


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