Covid-19 ,Brief updates # 16
Human being are fighting against Covid-19 since last 2 years. Now , the researchers and scientists are optimistic for the end of the pandemic in coming days. In the meantime, researchers gained a lot about the disease. The Covid-19 vaccines were developed in a short time. It was hard to predict about the long term side effects of the vaccines. As the time passed, long term side effects of Covid-19 vaccines are appearing these days. Researchers and scientists are busy to find out the ways to eliminate the side effects of Covid-19 vaccines. The ” Covid-19 Updates in Brief” is an attempt to keep the public informed about these new researches.
“Covid-19 Updates in Brief, , Part # 15 ” covered a period of time from March 01, 2022 to March 15, 2022. This episode # 16 will cover a period of time from March 16, 2022 to March 31, 2022.
- End of Covid-19 pandemic?
- After shocks of Covid-19.
- What we know about Omicron variant ?
- Exercise after recovering from Covid-19.
- Long Covid’s side effects.
- Combined vaccine for Covid-19 and Influ
- Covid-19 related stress
- Covid-19 vaccines and blood clotting,
- Changes in human brain.
- What’s more about coronavirus.
- Covid and nervous system.
End of Covid-19 pandemic?
- CDC’s Dr. Rochelle is optimizing that Covid-19 will become a seasonal illness like most respiratory viruses. Such viruses mostly strike in winter months. The opinion is based on less severity in Omicron variant cases. ( Be hopeful ).
- We are trying to keep you informed in ” Covid-19 Updates # 16 ” about any good news regarding relief in the disease.
After Shocks of Covid-19.
- A new research say that people with long Covid might experience cognitive difficulties for months. Covid-19’s impact goes far beyond the lungs. The disease also affects other parts of human body including brain.
- The common symptoms of long Covid are fatigue, shortness of breathing and brain fog.
According to a new study, the damage to nasal tissue after having Covid-19 , may be the reason why some people lose their sense of smell .Expert consider it a good sign as tissues may recover more quickly than nerves..
What we know about Omicron variant ?.
- Researchers do not know so far much about Omicron variant. A big question ” will the present covid-19 vaccines be effective against Omicron ” is still unanswered .
- Real world evidence and data indicates that vaccine induced immunity is proven more effective than infection acquired natural immunity.
- People recovered from a coronavirus infection, can have re-infection with Omicron variant.
- According to some experts, 2 doses of a Covid-19 vaccine is enough to protect even from Omicron. Pfizer and BioNTech ‘s data shows that Boosters will be more effective than two doses of vaccine alone.
- Experts have noted that although Omicron is highly contagious but seems to produce less serious cases.
Exercise after recovering from Covid-19.
- It is very important to listen to your body after recovering from Covid-19 and start building up to it gradually.
- People with Myocarditis ( a heart disease when heart’s muscle become inflamed ) should NOT exercise for 3 to 6 months. You may also need to be examined and cleared by a doctor before starting exercise.
Long Covid-19’s side effects:
- Beside other long Covod-19’s side effects , experts consider problems with concentration and memory , as the effects of long Covid.
- University of Cambridge and Exeter in U.K. conducted a study on “How the people feel about above issues after long Covid “.
- 159 participants recovered from long Covid reported their current cognitive issues as follow:
78 % reported difficulty concentration.
69 % reported brain fog.
67.5 % reported forgetfulness.
59.5 % felt difficulty recalling a desired word.
43.7 % have difficulty typing or saying a unintended word. - Many participants with above cognitive issues complained that doctors do not take them seriously.
Covid-19 related stress.
- Beside other complications, Covid-19 has led many people to feel difficulty in decision making even the basic ones like what to eat or what to wear.
- Anger, depression, fatigue, frustration and anxiety are the signs of the decision deterioration.
Combined vaccine for Covid-19 and Influenza.
- Moderna is going to develop a combined vaccine for Covid-19and Influenza. This shot can boost vaccination compliance both for Covid-19 and flu.
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Covid-19 Vaccines and blood clotting.
- A study shows that Covid-19 vaccines are effective against all variants of the novel coronavirus. Their side effects are mild and short lived. A continuous strict watch and booster doses are necessary if new variants appear.
- More than 11 billion Covid-19 vaccine doses have been given globally to the affected people. A low risk of blood clothing complications, linked to adenovirus -based Covid-19 vaccine, were reported .
- A new research explains why it happened in some cases. The researchers found that electrical charge of the adenovirus promotes the ” being stuck ” ability of blood- based proteins . This protein is associated with blood clotting.
Changes In human brains.
- According to a new study reports, people with mild or moderate SARS-CoV-2 infection , have greater abnormalities to smell, in their brain region, after around 4.5 months of Covid-19 diagnosis .
What’s more about coronavirus!.
Viruses Mutation :
- Viruses mutate frequently. During the replication. their genetic material is copied. A mutation occurs when part of the genetic material is copied incorrectly.
- In coronavirus especially , the genetic material is Ribonucleic Acid ( RNA). an enzyme called RNA polymerase controls the replication. It often makes errors, and a new variant is created.
- A mutation can transfer to virus a selective Character such as faster transmissibility or greater virulence. This is what undoubtedly happened with Alpha, Delta and Omicron variants.
- Dr.Christopher Coleman , Assistant Professor of Infection Immunology at the University of Nottingham, UK explains ” Some situations give virus more ability to mutate. In an immunocompromised host, virus replicate more easily. And there will be a correspondingly increased number of mutations.
- Scientists have identified many variants, but the WHO have designated only 5 as ” variants of concern ” . They are with their location of identification:
1 = Alpha ( B.1.1.7) , UK, September 2020.
2 = Beta (B.1.351), South Africa.
3 = Gamma (P-1), Brazil, December 2020.
4 = Delta ( B-1.617.2), India, October 2020.
5 = Omicron (B.1.1.529), Multiple countries, November 2021.
Covid and Nervous System:
- The autonomic nervous system is responsible to keep various body system in balance. These process include breathing, heart rate and blood pressure.
- A new study conducted by Sao Paulo State University in Brazil found that Covid-19 cases , no matter mild or moderate, can disrupt the Autonomous Nervous System’s critical balancing act..
- Maintaining a healthy Body Mass Index ( BMI) and physically active life style may help to reduce the imbalance.
- Covid-19 may thus quietly develop cardiovascular problem . Such problems usually appear later in the life.
As the Corona cases are slowing down, the daily updates of Covid-19 are decreasing. Hardly two or three updates are being published in a week.. In such situation, the ” Covid-19 Updates # 16 ” might be the last episode of this series. In the mean time, i request you to kindly do write your comments at the end of the article. Thanks in advance and take care.