Covid- 19, Update in brief, Part – 5
As you know we are presenting Covid-19, update in brief twice a month. If you have not read previous ” Covid-19, update in brief, part number 4 “ , i suggest to read it to refresh the updates up to August 31, 2021. The present updates cover a period from September 01 , 2021 to September 15, 2021. Updates are as under:
- A recent study , comparing immune response to the vaccination, shows that Moderna Covid-19 vaccine generated antibodies more than double when compared with the Pfizer vaccine.
- Daily ” USA Today” reported a statement issued by a Florida Department of Health on August 27, 2021, saying that ” More deaths from Covid-19 have been reported in Florida this year as compared to year 2020. Cause of deaths is the infection of Covid-19 ( 3rd leading cause).
- Researchers of University of California , San Francisco have found some signs of mutation in coronavirus variants that may allow them to escape by tricks from vaccine-generate antibodies.
- The W.H.O. added another Covid-19 variant to its list of “Variants of interest” The new variant Mu (B.1.621) was added to watch list on August 30, 2021. The variant was detected in 39 countries.
- Initial data propose that Mu (B.1.621), the new SARS-Cov-2 variant has genetic mutations that could make it more resistant to immunity from vaccines and previous infections.
- The” Financial Times” reported that scientists and psychiatrists has warned that Covid-19 ‘s degenerative effects on the brain will sooner be cause of Dementia pandemic and could effect 80 million people by the end of the decade.
- According to ” American Academy of Pediatrics” , more case of Covid-19 are reported in children making up more than 26 % of new Covid-19 cases. Nearly 94,000child Covid-19 cases were reported in a single week,
- There is growing concern if the B.1.1.7 variant could be causing more infections in children.
- Lab studies suggest that the B.1.1.7 variant has a mutation that makes it easier for the virus to latch on to our cells and cause an infection, that why more children are getting the disease.
- The delta variant has led to increase breakthrough infection in some fully vaccinated people. The risk of breakthrough cases for vaccinated people is 1 in 5,000.
- Genetics researchers are monitoring now a days a new coronavirus variant that has several mutation. The variant is known as C.1.2. has mutation found in various variants like Alpha, Beta, Delta and Gamma. C.1.2. develop gradually and naturally from C.1., one of the coronavirus variant which dominated South Africa’s first Covid-19 wave.
- According to data from John Hopkins University, 14,663,913 people in U.S. have died of Covid-19 as of September 14, 2021.
- According to a report by the U.S. Intelligence Community, SARS-Cov-2 , the virus that causes Covid-19 , was not develop as a biological weapon.
- Pfizer and Merk have announced the start of a new trials investigations in experimental oral antiviral drug to treat Covid-19. 1,140 participants with SARS-Cov-2 infection and were not treated in any hospital, ae taking part in this trial.
- Researchers say a common beta-blocker, used to treat high blood pressure might be an inexpensive treatment for sever Covid-19. Researchers did not find any side effect of the medicine.
- A recent study in the “Journal of the American Society of Nephrology” identifies significant kidney damage in people who have long Covid-19. Kidney damage usually occur 30 days after infection.
- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have released a study showing that unvaccinated people have 10 times more chance than vaccinated people , to have Covid-19 infection.
- Acute Respiratory Disease Syndrome (ARDS) is a potentially very harmful lung disease. Some experts associate it with severe Covid-19.
- A reason to develop ARDS is an uncontrolled excess immune response to the rapid SARS-Con-2 replication and is included in the development of ARDS.
- Researchers found that Metoprolol, a beta-blocker used for hypertension treatment, can reduce lung inflammation and showed good results in patients with Covid-19 associated ARDS.