
New research # 17 – What’s GLP-1

What's GLP-1?.

            New research # 17                           What’s  GLP-1



What’s GLP-1 – Not every one knows about it. Thanks to the scientists family , who are working on new researches  and then inform us about their findings.   GLP-1 is the abbreviation of  Glucagon – like peptide-1 .This  is an important hormone. This hormone provide helps to regulate blood sugar levels . Beside that it promote a feeling of fullness.


  • What’s GLP-1
  • How GLP-1 works ?
  • Foods – increase GLP-1



What’s  GLP-1 ?

In simple words GLP-1 is a hormone which is released in our gut after our meals. GLP-1 agonists are a class of medications that can help manage Type 2 diabetes and obesity.

When we eat fiber rich fruits, vegetables and whole grains, our gut bacteria (Our gut is our gastrointestinal system and includes our stomach, intestines and colon. It digests and absorbs nutrients from food and excretes waste. There is no clear definition of gut health, and it can mean something different for researchers, medical professionals and the community). breaks them down into short-chain fatty acids. ( Fatty acids are the building blocks of the fat in our bodies and in the food we eat. During digestion, the body breaks down fats into fatty acids, which can then be absorbed into the blood. Fatty acid molecules are usually joined together in groups of three, forming a molecule called a triglyceride.) According to 2016 research review, these fatty acids send signals to the special cells in the gut to release GPL-1 into the bloodstream. And GPL-1 start its functions.

How  GPL-1 works.

Researchers are surprised how each part of human body works by itself without any external command ! When we eat fiber rich diet our gut bacteria breaks it into fatty acids. These fatty acids send signal to the special cells in the gut to release GPL-1

GPL-1 encourage the release of insulin to regulate blood sugar. It also blocks  the release of glucagon. Glucagon is also a hormone that raises blood sugar levels. GPL-1 has  another effect. It slow down the process of stomach emptiness. In this way we can control our food intake  and help with weight management.

Foods that Increase GPL-1

All-Mighty Allah has provided the treatment for every disease. It is up to us to dig and find the treatments for different diseases. There are some foods  available every where which can increase the GPL-1 levels in human body. Some of them are :


According to a study in 2016 review, Avocado can increase GPL-1 levels . Avocado has high content of fiber and monounsaturated fats.(Monounsaturated fats are fat molecules that have one unsaturated carbon bond in the molecule. Oils that contain monounsaturated fats are typically liquid at room temperature but start to turn solid when chilled. Olive oil is a type of oil that contains monounsaturated fats.) The fiber in Avocado will slow down the digestion . This process will lead to slow release of glucose in to the blood.

In one study from 2019, it was found that eating a whole Avocado with a meal increased GLP-1 level . Another appetite regulating hormone called peptide YY  level was also increased.


According to a research review from 2016, scientists believe that eggs are considered a rich source of protein and monounsaturated fats. These items play a role in release of GLP-1. Another research 2020 claims that eggs whites are very beneficial to release GLP-1.

A study in 2016 review show that a bagel breakfast ( see below )

Here’s some options, you can mix and match:
  1. butter.
  2. a variety of cream cheeses (plain, scallion, lox, etc)
  3. a variety of jams.
  4. smoked salmon (I prefer Nova Lox)
  5. cooked bacon.
  6. tuna salad.
  7. egg salad.
  8. scrambled eggs

with 3 eggs was served. The following results were found:

  • Lower blood sugar level.
  • Reduced feelings of hunger.
  • Decreased food intake over next 24 hours.
  • Higher satisfaction after eating eggs.

The scientists reached on a point that eating eggs can help manage appetite and overall satisfaction with a meal.


Researchers have found that almonds, pistachios and peanuts have the ability to increase GLP-1 levels . The protein, fiber and healthy fat content of above nuts trigger to release more GLP-1. Moreover     the fiber in above nuts slow down digestion resulting gradual release of glucose into blood. The healthy fats  in the above nuts will improve insulin sensitivity. This will support the GLP-1 release.

High fiber grain:

Oats, barley and whole wheat have high fiber grains. These items  can increase GLP-1 . The soluble fiber affects on digestion system , and slow down its process. This will result in slowly release of glucose into the blood. This will cause to trigger the release of above hormone. Further more when fiber is fermented by gut bacteria, short chain fatty acids , like acetate, propionate and butyrate are produced. Researchers say, that these short-chain fatty acids can trigger GLP-1 release by binding to L- cell receptors.  L cells secrete the anorexigenic peptides glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and peptide YY (PYY). These peptides modulate eating, and their receptors are expressed in the brain stem, hypothalamus, vagal afferents, and gut neurons.

Olive oil:

The researchers observed  from 2021 research review that unsaturated fats in olive oil are better than those found in butter when it comes to release  of GLP-1.

The researchers also learned from 2016 research review that regular eating of an olive  oil enriched diet will increase GLP-1 release, encourage insulin release and improve the quality of glucose tolerance.

A Mediterranean diet which is rich in olive oil , will show higher post-meal GLP-1 levels. It will improve insulin sensitivity. It will lower fasting and post-meal blood sugar levels , when we compare it to a diet which is high in saturated fats.


There are some vegetable like broccoli , brussels sprouts (cabbage) and carrots are high in vitamins and fiber. They are very useful to regulate blood sugar levels . More over they have  a great affect on GLP-1 level.

A study from 2022, conducted in Jakarta, Indonesia shows wonderful results. The researchers of study found that if vegetables are consumed before carbohydrates, significant result  were reported in glucose and  GLP-1 levels in the patients of diabetes type 2 , The results were taken 60 minutes after eating. For more information about diabetes, Pl. read our article ” Are you Diabetic ? Part2 “



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