Homeopathic Clinic, Patient # 205-207 Warts on palms
- Patient # 205 — Warts.
- Patient # 206 — Tumor on neck.
- Patient # 207 — Stomach pain.
Patient # 205
Mehmood Sipra – Phalia
My son, age 10 years has warts on palm and upper side of both hands. Warts are hard and their colour is little bit white. No pain and no itching. Kindly prescribe a suitable medicine to cure the warts. Thanks.
Treatment of Warts:
According to homeopathy philosophy, a substance hidden in human body, called Sora is the main cause of warts. To cure warts, taking an antipsoric medicine is necessary. To cure warts, following homeopathic medicines are very effective. Since the patient is a child, following homeopathic medicines are suggested :
1. Thuja 30. Take 2 drops of medicine in 1/2 glass of water once a day, continue for 1 month
2. Thuja 200 : Take 2 drops of medicine once a week.
3. Causticum 30 : Take as Thuja 30.
4 Thuja Cream : Apply daily a small amount of cream on warts . It will reduce the healing period of warts.
It is hoped that warts will disappear slowly within one or two months. If there is no relief, then stop taking Causticum and take Nitric Acid 30, 2 drops in 1/2 glass of water twice a day.
1. Drinking tea, coffee and tobacco neutralize the effects the effects of Homeopathic medicines.
2. Medicines should be taken 1/2 hour before/after meals.
3. Take medicine #1 first. Wait for 15 minutes and then take medicine # 2.
4. Stop taking medicines when warts are gone.
Above medicines are very effective and are used in daily practice of Homeo Practitioners in treatment of warts.
May Almighty Allah grant your child complete health
Mr. Zaheer, Lahore.
Patient # 206
My son , age 16 years, healthy with good height has a hard Tumor on the left side of his neck, about 1 inch dia in size . It appeared around 6 months age. No itching, nothing coming out of it. The child is little bit angry man, fat and want to eat all the times, specially rice. Kindly prescribe a suitable medicine to cure the tumor. Thanks,
Homeopathic Doctor:
Keeping in view above information, I suggest the following Homeopathic medicine :
Calcarea Flourica 200.
Take 4 drops of medicine in 1/2 glass of water 1/2 hour before break fast daily for 1 week. Do not eat any thing for further 1/2 hour. Continue for one week.
Drink medicine the same way as above twice a week for further one week.
Take medicine once a week for third week, the stoop it. The Tumor will disappear in this period, InshAllah.
Tobacco , Coffee, Tea and Camphor neutralize the medicine effects.
Always pray to Al-Mighty Allah for your health.
Patient # 207
Muhammad Shafi – Phalia
Stomach Pain :
My age is 65 years, a retired person. I have a severe stomach pain since last 3 years, When ever i eat any food , a killing stomach pain begins immediately. I have stopped eating any type of bread and rice. Red chili produce more pain. I am surviving on Banana milk shake only. If by mistake i eat any food, pain begins at once and i feel as if there is a fire in my stomach. I consulted many doctors and tried many medicines but no relief. A friend of mine advised me to contact you. Please inform me if my pain is cure able , and prescribe suitable homeo medicine. Thanks in advance.
Homeo Doctor:
Shafi Sahib, I have studied your disease. The following is your right homeo medicine for your stomach pain:
Arsenic Album 30 — Take 4 drops of medicine in 1/2 glass of water 1/2 hour before meals, 3 times a day. Insha Allah, you will feel relief within a week. Once you feel relief, reduce the medicine dose twice a day. During the treatment, avoid eating red chills . After feeling relief, you can eat boiled rice with milk added. Once cured, stop taking medicine. Pl. Do Not smoke tobacco, Do Not drink tea and coffee 1/2 hour before/after taking medicine.
May Al-Mighty Allah keep you safe and heal you up very soon.