
Cobvid-19-Update-(2) – Pt-3

Mu variant

              Covid 19 – Update -(2) Pt – 3.   


This article covers update up to February 28, 2021. To read the previous updates please click on Covid-19-Update(2) pt.1 and Covid-19 Update(2) pt.2“.

Table of contents

  • Unique Variant – CAL.20C.
  • Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine can be transported and stored  at standard freezer.
  • According to FDA of USA , a single dose of  Johnson & Johnson’s Covid-19 vaccine is safe for use.
  • A report released   by CNN shows that cases of  Covid-19 infection are falling down, but B.1.1.7 variant could be a danger.
  • Some Covid-19 vaccines need a certain amount of time to take the second dose.
  • Experts are driving away the false and current fear that Covid-19 vaccines can cause infertility.

1-     Unique Variant – CAL.20C.

A study announced by Yahoo News  says that researchers at the Cedars-Sinai Center for Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics in Los Angeles, USA have identified a new variant known as CAL.20C. It was found in almost half of the Covid-19 infected patients in southern California. Jasmin Plummer, PhD, one of the Cedars-Sinai molecular geneticist discover this new variant. She said that California variant is not spreaded so far  and has no sever illness.

2-    Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine can be transported and stored at standard freezer.

It was believed that Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine needs ultra  low temperature to transport and store. Now Pfizer says that their Covid-19 vaccine can be transported and stored at a standard freezer . It will reduce the huge expenses .

3-      According to FDA, USA, a single dose of Johnson & Johnson’s Covid-19  vaccine is safe for use.

U.S. regulators ‘s analysis show that one shot of  Johnson & Johnson’s Covid-19 vaccine is  safe and protects well against Covid-19.

4-      A report released by CNN shows that  cases of Covid-19 are falling down slowly  in U.S.A. in the result of vaccination. But danger of B.1.1.7 variant is still there.

 5-     Some Covid-19 vaccines need a certain amount of time to take the second dose.

To get the full benefits  of some Covid-19 vaccine which require two doses ,  need  a certain interval of time . U.K. government has decided a 12 week interval between two doses of Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine.

6-      Experts are driving away the false and current fear that Covid-19 vaccines can cause infertility.

A new medicine or a vaccine usually takes 4 to 6 years to be declared “safe” for human. A lot of clinical trials are conducted to neutralize he side effects of a new medicine or vaccine. If we measure Covid-19 vaccines on  above standard, we hesitate to believe that these vaccines are quite safe and have no side effects. There is a strong reason for that. Covid-19 vaccines were developed and tested for a very small period of time , that is , say one and half year. We can not blame younger women who have a fear of “Infertility”, as side effect of Covid-19 vaccine,  and do not want to be vaccinated. This topic is very serious and need special attention to vanish this fear.

Dr. Jennifer Conti, OB-GYN, is medical advisor for Modern Fertility says  that ” there is no evidence that Covid-19 vaccines interfere with fertility”. She said this misinformation is dangerous and has no solid ground. Dr. Conti also explained  that” the rumors are based on the fear that messenger  RNA in the vaccine could cause infertility if it accidently attacks a protein in the placenta called Syncytin-1, which has a sort of similar structure to the coronavirus spike protein. These have totally different structures and there is no reason to think about it “.

The Association of Reproductive and Clinical Scientists UK and British Fertility Society publish a report in the BMJ. Both group agree that ” there is no link between vaccines and infertility”.

There is no way not to believe the scientists what they say. They are working hard on this issue.

source: HealthLine



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