
Hepatitis Day – 28th July


    Hepatitis Day – 28th July.


Table of contents:

  • Introduction.
  • Types of Hepatitis.
  • Causes.
  • symptoms.
  • Diagnosis.
  • Treatment.
  • Prevention



Statistics show there are 350 millions patients of Hepatitis in the word at the present time. 15 millions people , 7% of the total population of Pakistan are victim of Hepatitis . This story does not end here. Thousands of citizens of Pakistan are losing their lives because of this killing disease.

Types of Hepatitis.

Hepatitis , according to World Health Organization, is divided into five  types:

Type 1 = (Known as Hepatitis A) It is not so dangerous. Some patients are cured without any medicine .  It does not mean that we should not  give any attention to it. A Hepatitis test is recommended to play on safe side.

Type 2 =  (Known as Hepatitis B) It is the 2nd most hazardous for our liver. The following symptoms appear  and point to Hepatitis  B:
1. Lack of hunger .
2. Diarrhea.
3. Tiredness.
4. Yellowish eyes and skin.
5. Pain in joints, muscles and stomach.


 Health specialist advise to get treatment immediately, otherwise it will damage the whole liver and lead to death. Hepatitis B  spread in different ways. Using a used syringe, blood transfusion, use of un-purified instruments of a dentist, multi usage of barber knife are the common cause of being effected of Hepatitis B.
Precautionary step to be taken = It is very important to get the new born baby vaccinated  to save him/her from Hepatitis B. This should be done within 18 months after the birth of the child. If child get fever or his/her skin becomes red on the injection place, don’t worry. It is normal reaction of injection and disappear  after some days without taking any medicine. If child or any person feels difficulty in breathing, blood pressure becomes low or high or fell  weakness, consult the doctor immediately .

Type 3 =  (Known as Hepatitis C) The most hazardous for liver and one’s life. If it remains without treatment for more than 6 months , it becomes chronic. Lack of antibodies, continuous usage of a dangerous medicine are main cause of this type. It becomes chronic in 80 % of the patients. Its symptoms either do not appear  or  appear very late and are ignored  easily.  When they appear, chances of getting cured are very little. Some times the liver implantation is the only remedy to save the life.

Type 4 = (Known as Hepatitis D)  Also known as Hepatitis Delta,  is a disease caused by Hepatitis D virus (HDV),  a small spherical enveloped virus. This is one of 5 known Hepatitis viruses , A, B, C, D, and E. HVD is considered to be a subrival satellite , because it can propagate only in the presence of the Hepatitis B virus.Unlike the other forms, Hepatitis D cant be contracted on its own. It can only infect people who are already infected with Hepatitis B.

Hepatitis D does not always cause symptoms. When symptoms do occur, they often include :
1. Yellowish of skin and eyes called Jaundice
2.  Joints pain
3. Abdominal pain
4. Vomiting
5. Loss of appetite
6. Dark urine
7. Fatigue
Causes :  The infection is contagious and spread through direct contact with the bodily fluids of an infected person, can be transmitted through :
1. Urine.
2. Vaginal fluids
3. Semon
4. Blood
5. Birth (from mother to the newborn)

Diagnosis :

A blood test that can detect anti-Hepatitis D antibodies in your blood,  is necessary. If antibodies are found, it means that you have been exposed to the virus.

Treatment :

There is no known treatment for acute or chronic Hepatitis D. Unlike other forms of Hepatitis, current antiviral medicines don’t seems to be very effective in treating HDV. You may be given large doses of medicine called interferon for upto 12 months.

Prevention : The only known way to prevent Hepatitis D is to avoid infection with Hepatitis B. Following steps will reduce the risk of Hepatitis D :

1. Get vaccinated for Hepatitis B. The vaccination is usually given in a series of three injections over a period of 6 months.

2. Use protection during sex.

3. Avoid or stop using heroin or cocaine.

4. Be cautious about tattoos and piecing.

Type  5  =  (Known as Hepatitis E) Hepatitis E is a virus that effects our liver. It can cause our liver to swell up. Most people with HEV get better within a few months.
Usually it does not lead to long term illness or liver damage like some other forms of hepatitis do. But HEV can be dangerous for pregnant women or any one with weak immune systems, including the elderly or people who are ill.


1. Mild fever.
2. Feeling very tired.
3. Less hunger.
4. Feeling sick to stomach.
5. Throwing up.
6. Belly Pain.
7. Skin rash or itching.
8.  Joints pain.
9. Yellowish skin or eyes.
Causes  : The HEV spreads through poop. You can catch it if you drink or eat some thing that has been in contact with the stool of some one who has the virus.
Diagnosis :  A blood test or a stool test will diagnose it.
Treatment : In most cases HEV goes away on its own in about 4-6 weeks. Following steps can help ease the symptoms :
1. Rest.
2. Eat healthy foods.
3. Drink lot of water.
4. Avoid alcohol.

Prevention :

Check with your doctor before taking any medicine that may damage  your liver such as Acetaminophen. No vaccine can prevent the HEV. Some precautionary steps are :
1. Don’t drink water or use the ice that you don’t know is clean.
2. Don’t eat under-cooked pork , deer meat or raw shellfish.
3. Wash your hands with soap and water after you use bathroom, change a diaper, and before you prepare or eat food.

May Almighty Allah save all of us from  diseases

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