
Homeopathic Clinic, Patient – 267

Homeopathic clinic, patient # 267, eye conditions, Stye on human eye lid

Homeopathic Clinic, Patient -267

Homeopathic Clinic, Patient # 267 will discuss eye related general conditions.. Some people are suffering from different symptoms.  Patient # 267 has a common problem found in the eyes of people. We have included some more eye related  symptoms and their Homeopathic cure for the knowledge of our readers. For more details , pl. read  Homeopathic Clinic, Patient # 266.


Table of contents;

  • Patient # 267-  Miss Zohra Naeem   from Sialkot.
  • Stye (Gohanjni) appears on eye lid again and again.
  • Swelling around the eyes..
  • Itchy eye lids:
  • Granular eye lids.


Patient # 267, Miss Zohra Naeem from Sialkot.

Assalam o Alaikum. My name is Zohra Naeem, 18 years old,  medium built body , no other serious illness , a college student. I have a problem with my left  upper  eye lid. A stye  (Gohanjni) appear on my left upper eye lid. It remain for around two months . Then slowly disappears. Appears again within two weeks . This cycle is running since last 8 months. The Gohajnj  is very painful. I am afraid , it might damage my eye lid. It look very awkward. Kindly prescribe a suitable Homeo medicine to cure it. Thank you in advance.

Doctor’s reply:

It is advised to wash your both eyes with a good soap three   to four time a day. Take the following Homeo medicine  as prescribed below :

Staphisagria 200 :  Pour 4 drops of this medicine in 1/2 glass of clean water and drink it 1/2 hour before your break fast and dinner. Avoid to eat any thing 1/2 hour before and after taking the medicine. Take the medicine twice a day. Once cured, take another Homeo medicine ” Silicea” 1M , one dose a week , two weeks only as prescribed above.  ( Total two doses ). This will prevent Gohanjni to appear again. May All – Mighty Allah bless you always with good health.

Stye (Gohanjni) on eye lid appear again and again.

Stye (Gohanjni appear again and again on eye lid of some young ladies who have disturbed  monthly period. The following Homeo medicine will provide relief from such  symptom  :

Pulsatilla 200 .    Drink four drops of this medicine in half glass of clean water before your break fast once a day. Try to avoid eating any thing ,and drinking tea, coffee and smoking half an hour before and after taking the medicine. Continue taking the medicine till you find some relief. Then take the medicine twice a week. Stop taking the  medicine once fully cured.

Swelling around the eyes.

This symptom, swelling around the eyes is very common in elderly people, who sleep deep after taking sleeping pills, or sleep after drinking alcohol. They have such swelling around their eyes. This swelling make human eyes like an old monkey’s eyes. The following Homeo medicine is number one to remove such swelling:

Apis Mellifica 30:  Pour 4 drops  of    this medicine in  half glass of clean water and drink  it three times a day before your meals. Avoid to eat any thing or drinking tea, coffee or smoking 1/2 hour before and after drinking the medicine. Continue  taking the medicine till swelling disappear. Elderly people are advised to take this medicine occasionally after a regular treatment. This will prevent to appear the swelling again.

Itchy eye lids:

One can have itching in eye lids. The following Homeo medicine is the first choice to cure such itching:

Petrolium  200 :   Drink 4 drops of the medicine in 1/2 glass of clean water before your break fast. Do not eat any thing or drink tea, coffee or smoking half an hour before and after taking the medicine. Take one dose of the medicine once a day. Continue for one week. Once there is some relief, take the medicine on alternative days. Once fully cured, take one dose of medicine once a month. This will prevent the symptom to appear again.

Granular eye lids :

Symptom :      Blurred vision, spots before the vision, thick, sore and swollen  lids, aching and tired feeling in eyes, feeling if sand is under eye lids. red eye balls. If above symptoms are there, the following Homeo medicine is very effective to cure the symptoms:

Argentum  Nitricum  200    , In worst eye condition, pour 3 drops in one half glass of clean water and drink it 1/2 hour before your break fast and dinner , twice a day. Try to avoid eating any thing , drinking tea, coffee and smoking  1/2 hour before and after taking the medicine. These items neutralize the medicine’s effects. Once feel relief, take the medicine once a day.

Natrum Sulph 200    ,   Granular eye lids, sensitivity to light, yellow eye balls and lot of tears. Take the medicine as described above.





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