
Homeopathic clinic, Patient # 272- Diabetic blurred vision

Diabetic blurred vision

           Homeopathic Clinic

               Patient # 272

          Diabetic blurred vision


 Diabetes blurred vision is the 2nd most attacking symptom to the diabetes patients. Minor diabetes blurred vision is not a problem to worry about. Simple eye drops can help to solve it. Blurred vision become serious when the patient is unable to see the things clearly. Diabetic blurred vision is considered as an early sign of diabetes. It is a clear sign to indicate that patient’s blood sugar level is very high or not in a safe range. It is necessary to consult an eye specialist to discuss your diabetic blurred vision.                                                                              

Patient # 272 – Ali Mubarak from Jaranwala.

Salam, My name is Ali Mubarak, 43 years old, a shop keeper in Jaranwala. My eye vision is becoming weak and weak every day. In these days i feel hard to read . The words become blurred and i feel headache . I usually sit in my shop and it looks i am gaining  weight. I consulted an eye doctor . He advised me to check my blood sugar level. My blurred vision put me in worries. Kindly advise me a homeopathic medicine to treat my blurred vision. Thanks in advance .


  • Doctor’s reply.
  • Cause of blurred vision.
  • Diabetic retinopathy.
  • Cataracts.
  • macular edema.
  • Homeo medicines.

Doctor’s reply.

AoA. Before i start writing the Homeo medicine for diabetic blurred vision , I would like to discuss some details about blurred vision.

What we see, it  passes through a lens. If  the eyes fluid is leaking into the lens of your eyes, your eye lens will be swollen and its shape changed. Your eyes will feel hard to focus , and things will look blurred.

Cause of diabetic  blurred vision.

There are many reason for a blurred vision. Some of them are ;

  • when the surface of the eye isn’t curved properly
  • Old age.
  • Cataracts —   Diabetes usually lead to    develop  cataracts .  This will make the eye lens cloudy.
  • Dry eyes.
  • Glaucoma — Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases that can cause vision loss and blindness by damaging a nerve in the back of our eye called the optic nerve. The symptoms can start so slowly that we may not notice them. The only way to find out if we  have glaucoma is to get a comprehensive dilated eye exam. Pressure in our eyes damage the optic nerve. Diabetes increases the risk of glaucoma. Glaucoma has the following symptoms:

Number 1 = Halos  around lights.

Number 2 = Loss of peripheral vision or tunnel vision (Defective sight in which objects cannot be properly seen if not close to the center of the  field of view ).

Number 3 = Reddening of the eyes.

Number 4 = Nausea or vomiting.

Number 5 = Eye pain.

Other symptoms are;

  • Damage to the cornea.
  • An eye infection.
  • Diabetic retinopathy.

Blurred vision can also point to the following medical conditions;

  • Migraine.
  • Diabetes.
  • Head injury.
  • Stroke.
  • Low blood sugar.
  • Psoriasis ( A skin disease condition that some times  can affect the eyes).
  • Pre-eclampsia  ( High blood pressure in pregnancy ).
  • Brain tumor.
  • Multiple sclerosis.  Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease of the central nervous system that can affect the brain, spinal cord and optic nerves. Common symptoms include fatigue, bladder and bowel problems, sexual problems, pain, cognitive and mood changes such as depression, muscular changes and visual changes.
  • Parkinson’s disease.
  • Blurred vison can be a side effect of medicines being used.


When due to lack of insulin, body cells do not absorb the glucose, the glucose remain in our bloodstream. The excess quantity of glucose has bad effects on our eye’s lens and blurred vision occur.. High blood sugar and average A1C level (A normal A1C level is below 5.7%, a level of 5.7% to 6.4% indicates prediabetes, and a level of 6.5% or more indicates diabetes. Within the 5.7% to 6.4% prediabetes range, the higher your A1C, the greater your risk is for developing type 2 diabetes.) will increase  a higher risk of diabetes related complication such as Retinopathy and macular Edema.

Diabetic Retinopathy .

Diabetic retinopathy is caused by changes in the blood vessels of the retina, the light-sensitive layer of tissue at the back of the inner eye. In some people with diabetic retinopathy, the blood vessels in the retina may swell and leak fluid. In others, abnormal new blood vessels grow on the surface of the retina.  Approximately 33% of diabetic people ( no matter the type they have )  are suffering from diabetic retinopathy. It is a common cause of diabetic  blurred vision.

Diabetic retinopathy has 4 stages:

Stage 1 = Mild nonproliferative  (When we have nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR), the walls of the blood vessels in our retina weaken. Tiny bulges protrude from the walls of the smaller vessels, sometimes leaking fluid and blood into the retina. Larger retinal vessels can begin to dilate and become irregular in diameter as well.)

Stage 2 –  Moderate .

Stage 3 – Severe.

Stage 4 – Proliferative  diabetic retinopathy. Proliferative retinopathy is the advanced stage where abnormal new blood vessels grow on the surface of the retina. These vessels may break and bleed into the vitreous, the clear watery gel that fills the eye, and cause severe vision loss. This stage of diabetic retinopathy typically requires urgent treatment.

It is not necessary to appear the symptoms of diabetic retinopathy. Mostly symptoms appear when it reaches the  last stage. Here the patients have blurred vision. Some other symptoms may appear :

  • Difficulty seeing during night.
  • Eye floaters.
  • Distorted vision.
  • Loss of vision.

Diabetic retinopathy is treat able. While treating and after treatment, diabetes management is necessary to stabilize it.

Treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy.

Diabetic retinopathy is caused by high blood sugar due to diabetes. Over time, having too much sugar in our blood can damage our retina — the part of our eye that detects light and sends signals to our brain through a nerve in the back of our eye (optic nerve). It is recommended that treatment should start immediately when blurred vision is diagnosed. The treatment’s option are ;

  • Medication ===== These medicines are called VEGF inhibitors. Antivascular endothelial growth factor (anti-VEGF) is a medicine that helps stop the growth of abnormal blood vessels. It is used to try to prevent or treat vision loss from age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, or other eye problems. This medication can slow down or even reverse diabetic retinopathy.
  • Laser therapy =====  This will create a barrier of scar tissues . This will slow down the growth of new blood vessels.
  • Injection ==== Corticosteroids.


High blood sugar level for a longer period of time will lead to Cataracts. In  Cataracts  the eye lens become cloudy. This condition is  called Cataracts. This is a cause of blurred vision. It can happens in old age too. The best treatment of cataracts these days is very simple and easy. Eye specialists replace  the defective eye lens with an artificial lens. Such artificial lens are available in numbers. The eye specialist will calculate and find the number of artificial lens .

Other symptoms of Cataracts include :

  • Clouded vision.
  • Faded colours.
  • Light sensitivity .
  • Glare or halos around light.
  • Double vision, usually in one eye.
  • Vision does not improve with new glasses.
Macular edema.

The center of  the retina is called Macula. This part of the eye is responsible to give sharp central vision. When   macula is swollen due to leak of fluid,  this condition is called macula edema. This condition causes wavy vision and colour changes.

source :

Homeo medicines

There are many Homeo medicine for eyes. A Homeo doctor will need to examine your eyes, your habits, likes and dislikes,  previous history of any disease, your behavior, etc. I guess you have uncontrolled  diabetes . Your eye lens has become cloudy. If it is the condition, i will suggest the following for you.

Number 1 ;

First of all, you must check your blood sugar before break fast, before your lunch, 2 hours after lunch, before your dinner and 2  hours after your dinner. Your blood sugar must be as under :

Before break fast =             Less than 108 mg/dl

Before lunch           =             Less than 100 mg/dl

2 hours after lunch =             Up to 140 mg/dl

Before dinner            =             less than 100 mg/dl

2 hour after dinner   =              less than 140 mg/dl.

Keep your blood sugar  level  with in above range.

Take the following Homeo medicine as prescribed  :

Calcarea Phosphorica 6 x

Pour 3 drops of the medicine in 1/2 glass of clean water and drink it before your break fast. You should not drink tea, coffee and smoke  one hour before and after taking the medicine. Take the medicine 3 times  a day. You have to continue it for a longer period of time. Make sure your blood sugar level is within  the safe range. For more information about diabetes, read our article “ Are you diabetic, Part 2 “.

Another way , easy and quick way to have your clear vision is to contact a hospital . Let them examine your eyes . They will remove your cloudy eye lens and replace it with a suitable artificial lens. You will have a good and clear vision.

Last words: 

I always pray to All-Nighty Allah to bless every body with good health and success


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