
Loneliness and Diabetes-New research #22

Loneliness and Diabetes are interlinked.

Loneliness and Diabetes      New research # 22   Loneliness and Diabetes have relation as father and child. A long term loneliness (father) could be a link to higher risk of having Diabetes type-2 ( Child). Researchers from Western Norway University of Applied Sciences came to know that ” feelings of loneliness are linked […]

About stroke

About strokes. People believe that strokes occur in the heart

About stroke   About stroke , is a topic that every person must have knowledge about it. Statistics reveal  that in the year of 2019, stroke was considered the second  leading cause of death world wide . Stroke took 11 % of the total deaths. Statistics of Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention show that […]

Taking multivitamin daily – New research # 21

Taking multivitamin daily has no health effects.

Taking multivitamin daily         New research # 21   Taking multivitamin daily is believed beneficial to live longer. There  are many people who take multivitamins  supplements every day. I don’t know if  they live longer with the help of these multivitamins supplements.  But i am  sure for one thing. They are source […]

Hot days & medications

Hot days & medications can harm our health.

Hot days & medications Hot day and medications is the topic of our today’s article . As you know it is very hot weather in some countries. The temperature rises up to 53 degree Centigrade in some cities. Government authorities advises the citizens to follow  instructions to be safe from heat stroke. Beside  those  precaution […]

Artificial sweeteners – New research # 20

Artificial sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners   New research # 20   Artificial sweeteners are being used  as the substitute of natural sugar ,  by people living with diabetes.    I am drinking tea without any sugar since last 30 years, and i enjoy drinking tea without any sugar.  Such  sweeteners have many side effects. There is a new […]

A request to our readers.

A request to our readers. Thanks to all of readers. Yesterday i received 125 comments from our readers, and all comments were written in a language other than English language. Unfortunately, none of our staff  could read these comments. I was compel to trash those 125 comments. I request all of our readers to kindly […]

Garlic and health – health tip # 23

Garlic and health.

Garlic and health Health tip # 23   Garlic and health is the title of today’s topic. Al-Mighty God has blessed us too many items which help us to improve our health. Garlic is one of them. Garlic is being used since old times ,  to keep the high blood pressure in control. The researchers […]

Are Tattoos risky? New research # 19

Are tattoos risky?. We should ask this guy.

Are Tattoos risky ? New research # 19   Are Tattoos risky ? This question arises in the mind of ” wrestling ” viewers. People are crazy  of watching wrestling on  T V . Those days have gone when wrestling was wrestling and not personal grudge. Almost 50 % wrestlers have Tattoos in different colours  […]

Heat wave danger, New research # 18

Heat wave danger. Burning sun on sky

Heat wave  danger,                       New research # 18 Heat wave danger, New research # 18 Heat wave danger  is  very high in these days. A climate change since last 4 to 5 years has surprised the scientists. It was heavy rain and snow falling in Saudi […]

New research # 17 – What’s GLP-1

What's GLP-1?. This a hormone produced in gastrointestinal tract

New research # 17 – What’s                         GLP-1     What’s GLP-1 – Not every one knows about it. Thanks to the scientists family , who are working on new researches  and then inform us about their findings.   GLP-1 is the abbreviation of  Glucagon – […]

Potassium and health

Potassium is found in green spinach.

Potassium and health    New research # 16   Potassium and health go together in our lives. In other words if we want to be healthy , we need Potassium. Potassium is a mineral found in spinach, tomatoes, sweet potatoes and other vegetables and fruits. A healthy person needs 3,500 mg to 4,700 mg of […]

Diabetic foot

Diabetic foot can lead to loss of a leg

Diabetic foot   Diabetic foot needs special care if you have diabetes. Feet are the very first victim of diabetes. The un-consumed  glucose accumulate and block  the tiny blood vessels of feet. The blood can not flow in those  blood vessels and the first fingers and toe of the feet feel  cold and  become numb, […]