
Chest pain

Chest pain

Chest pain   Chest pain is  commonly considered as the warning of heart problems. Most of the people believe that chest pain is the clear sign of heart attack. In some ways, it is true. It is strongly recommended to visit a medical emergency room in case one feel chest pain. There are other reasons […]

New research # 15 – Acne products

Acne products must be stored in refrigerators.

New research # 15  –    Acne products Acne  products are being sold world wide  in huge quantity. Acne products are used by  most female population of our world.  Some male also use them to treat their face pimples.  Today’s time is ” Fashion time ” .  Young girls, single, married, even old women use […]

New research # 14, Zilebesiran injection

Zilebesiran Injection

New research # 14 – Zilebisiran                                    injection Zilebisiran  injection  is for the  patients of high blood pressure. It is estimated that over one billion people globally are suffering from high blood pressure. High blood pressure affects human body […]

Homeopathic clinic, Patient # 272- Diabetic blurred vision

Diabetic blurred vision occur when eye lens is swollen.

Homeopathic Clinic, Patient # 272                        Diabetic blurred vision  Diabetes blurred vision is the 2nd most attacking symptom to the diabetes patients. Minor diabetes blurred vision is not a problem to worry about. Simple eye drops can help to solve it. Blurred vision become serious […]

Homeopathic Clinic, Patient # 271, Asthma

Asthma-A girl using inhaler

Homeopathic Clinic, Patient # 271                            Asthma Asthma is A chronic disease in which the bronchial airways in the lungs become narrowed and swollen, making it difficult to breathe. According to a new definition, Asthma is a major noncommunicable disease (NCD), affecting both […]

Homeopathic Clinic , Patient # 270 , Suicide

Suicide attempt with rope.

Homeopathic Clinic, Patient # 270,                                 Suicide. Suicide attempts news  appearing daily in news papers. A question arises why people take their own lives ?. Unfortunately , the persons who took their own lives are not able to answer our question. […]

New research # 13 – Tomatoes and blood pressure

Tomatoes and blood pressure have a link to lower blood pressure.

New Research # 13 – Tomatoes and                          blood pressure. Tomatoes  and blood pressure is our topic of today’s article. All-Mighty Allah have created many many item which are beneficial for human health. Different vegetables like tomatoes are one of them. We include tomatoes […]


Hyperinsulinemia can be cured by Cinnamon.

Hyperinsulinemia. Hyperinsulinemia means excess insulin in the blood . All-Mighty Allah has created our body structure in perfect condition. There are many parts in our body which perform their functions automatically. Pancreas is one of them. It is located beneath our stomach . It is a tiny organ doing a great job. When we eat […]

Homeopathic clinic, Patient # 269 Hair loss and Diabetes

Hair loss and diabetes has a link .

Homeopathic Clinic  Patient # 269              Hair loss and Diabetes   Patient # 269 ,    M. Rashid from Kamalia. Salam. My name is Muhammad Rashid, 38 years old, running a general store in Kamalia. I am diabetes patient since 13 years. I am taking allopathic medicines to control my […]

Insulin but how much ?

Insulin but how much ? insulin and syringes

Insulin but how much ? Insulin but how much  i  should inject daily to keep my blood sugar in safe levels ? This question confuse may diabetic peoples . Diabetes is now spreading very fast all over the world. According to a survey, more than 540 million people world wide  are living with diabetes. It […]

Vitamin B 12 deficiency

Vitamin B 12 deficiency make the red blood cell enlarged.

Vitamin B 12 deficiency. Vitamin B 12 deficiency has many effects on human body. Vitamin B 12 is needed for making of DNA and red blood cells . Vitamin B 12 support our nervous system. In case of deficiency of vitamin B 12,  healthy red blood cells will not be produced. These  red blood cells […]

Metformin- Side effects.

Metformin side effects- vomiting.

Metformin – Side effects.   Metformin – Side effects  is our todays topic. Metformin  is  a  medicine  which allopathic doctor prescribe to treat Diabetes type-2. Metformin does not cure diabetes . It helps to bring blood sugar into a healthy range. Some time our body cells do not response to insulin . Insulin is not […]