
Cobvid-19-Update-(2) – Pt-3

Mu variant

              Covid 19 – Update -(2) Pt – 3.      This article covers update up to February 28, 2021. To read the previous updates please click on “Covid-19-Update(2) pt.1 “ and “Covid-19 Update(2) pt.2“. Table of contents Unique Variant – CAL.20C. Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine can be transported and […]

Covid-19 Update-2 “Part-2

               Covid-19 Update-2   Part – 2 Table of content: Protect your self against new variant. Virus Mutation. Side effects of Covid-19 vaccine Latest on Covid-19.   Protect yourself against new variant. The new variants are more infectious than the original virus. Scientists urged the people to take the precautionary […]

Fight the corona virus


                                        Fight the Corona Virus Table of contents” Introduction. Interesting Facts. Precautions.. Homeopathy and Immune System. Last words. Introduction. Corona Virus, code Covid-19 appeared first in Wuhan city, china and spread ed over the world rapidly. […]

CoronaVirus Disease (COVID-19)


          Corona Virus Disease  ( Covid-19) Table of content: Corona Virus. Symptoms. Precautions. After recovery. Another possibility. Corona Virus was first reported from Wuhan city, China on December 31st, 2019 and is given  a  name  Corona Virus disease, code # COVID-19. According to the latest news, more  than 88,257 people are […]